Friday, March 25, 2011

collingwood skipping club

This Tuesday is looking like fun in the c-wood hood:

3pm: Harvest Festival Meeting. I'm attending so i can let them know what we're doing. fun times.

4pm: Reconnaissance mission with Laine. Laine is working with Michal in Winter, but she hasn't had a recent tour of the joint.

5pm: studio meeting with ben and craig and lauren. planning for our fraggle rock musical and the next course of action so that we don't have to deal with mean kids taking away our weathervanes.

6:30pm: Collingwood Skipping Club. this appeals to my nostalgic, daggy and suburban sensibility. i will go. and i will wear long socks and trainers.

Thursday, March 24, 2011




a pop-up install. in the dark. as part of the fashion festival on the 19/20th march.
we had girls' art club, a few artists pop down and some of the residents saying hey.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

putting up walls


i have never said the word 'wall' so many times in a day as i have today. after a week of working out the best kinds of wall for AURA i feel like i'm officially obsessed with the things now.

so, apparently my main task at the moment is to build some walls for the studio. primarily for the purpose of a clearer demarcation between "what's mine is mine" and "what's mine is not yet yours".

as much as i wish that the looseness of the current studio space could be kept as is, the reality of the project (ie, people moving shit around) and the long-term ideas about having artists in the space for a while, means that it's time to put walls up, people.

i guess this is what 6 months in berlin has come to.

over the last week i have been talking about walls, drawing walls, taking pictures of walls and getting random voicemail messages about walls.

last friday i went and met with marika and anna from dear patti smith - a new, performance-friendly artspace on smith st. the show they had up recently featured some beautifully made cardboard walls, complete with inset open spaces as shelves. i thought they would look amazing in the underground space - lit well, and we could still talk to each other through the open spaces.

we talked about the possibility of commissioning some walls from them, maybe running a wall-making workshop and seeing if residents wanted to learn how to make walls out of cardboard (??), or something. anyway, thanks to all the recent rain, and the proof of how much water actually does get into the basement, that idea is now basically a crap one.

then, on the weekend, i saw these amazing cast concrete mini-walls. i imagined a stack of them on (braked) castors that we could use to keep customising the space and would fit with the aesthetic of the space.

then i realised that i had fuck-all skills for pouring or casting concrete, that they'd be heavy as fuck, and a scary risk nightmare waiting to happen. dammit. one day, they will be mine...

so, kids, the final solution appears to be you're old 'strut'n'baton clad' version of a studio wall.
build the wooden freestanding structure, clad it in plaster board. tried and true. and able to be built by 4-6 peeps in about a day.

which means that, as soon as i have enough cash to go to provens and to recruit wall-building helpers, we will have ourselves a working bee. huzzah! i think i'll bake a cake.