Monday, February 28, 2011

the long march


so, first of march will officially be the first day of the aura project.

perhaps the long march is not such an appropriate first blog title post, but i'm sticking to it. only because i'm sensing that it the next 12 months might, in a monty-python way, resemble at slow, systematic inculcation of our nation at 253 hoddle street.

as artists-in-residence, hopefully it will become a conversion into beautiful randomness, openness and a sense of worth and radness. [rather than what happened on the long march 1.0.]

on the first tuesday of march, ben and craig and i will meet with the CHEAC crew - introduce ourselves to residents, members of yarra council and the BANH/CNH crew we already know.

it will obviously be a shining bureaucratic metaphor of the starters gun: sending us speeding off from the blocks and sprinting headlong into who-knows-what.

and i'm hoping that snippets of thought/documentation and planning goodness from said who-knows-what will end up here. it will be an interesting mix of styles and flavours, but hopefully the end will resemble a gelato bar, rather than a pile of vomit.

it could go either way.

i'll be blogging about both roles i'm playing: ms admin/build-it/fix-it, and then as an artist working with sound. and i'll try to keep the swearing down. you can all get plenty of that over at my own blog.

i also have big plans for other online spaces for aura

and maybe some other fun stuff that probably only i'll like. like soundcloud or etsy.
and its own site that we can manage too.

in the mean time, it's mostly pics and words.

oh, and we have an email you can contact us on if you have any penis enlargements or missing inheritance to offer:

bon voyage.

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